Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year, Better Mind

The New Year is always filled with resolutions; among the most common being a new diet and exercise program. Although these are healthy things to do, they are typically motivated from a place of negativity. Maybe you planned accordingly and ate and drank as you pleased throughout the holidays knowing that this "change" would be taking place. You stand in the mirror and pinch the areas of your body you want gone, feel bad about the things you treated yourself to, go through waves of binging and fasting - a viscous cycle where one makes up for the other in an extremely unhealthy manner, and just feel all around bad. I know I've done this throughout the years, and there is no worse feeling than that of hating your own body.

It's no secret that I love fitness; I run, I lift, and I practice yoga. I'm also a huge foodie, and love experimenting with healthy fats, spices, meats, and weird shit. Most would refer to me as healthy, and also find it surprising that I still can struggle with body image. Since I already exercise and eat healthy, I was wondering what New Year's resolutions I could come up with to better myself, my body image, and my mind. My answers were simple, earthy-crunchy, and had longevity - unlike diets that stop once you reach your goal weight.

This year, I will let go of any hate I have for my body, and love it for the two children it has produced, 2 marathons it allowed me to complete, and weight it has trained me to lift. I will do this by being mindful of what I eat, and not over restrict or binge. I will allow myself to eat the damn ice cream with the kids, have that extra glass of wine with my husband, and let the guilt go. I will do this by exercising out of love, instead of hate. I will refuse to think of the calories I've burned in order to "earn" food, because unlike a dog, I do not need to be rewarded with food. I love my body and my health and that is why I will continue to exercise the way that I do. I will do this by practicing yoga every day for the entire year - this is what I would say my true resolution is. Yoga allows me to slow down, to breathe deeply, to notice how my mind or body feels, and to be centered. It is not something I do to burn calories, or to sweat, but rather something I do to take care, to feel good, and to just be. So everyday this year, even if it' 10 minutes of deep stretching after a run or 5 minutes before bed, I will practice every damn day. I will do this by smiling at myself in the mirror; small boobs, little belly pooch, and twig legs included. If I have to starve myself to have a chiseled 6 pack, not only is that not impressive, but it's not worth it. Society has created this unrealistic, unhealthy image of healthy that I really just want to punch in the face. With rings on. I recently read a yoga blog about the author's description of a yoga body: a body, in a bikini, period. Loved that.

Your body is the only place you have to live, and it deserves to be loved and cared for. Don't starve it, don't give it more than it needs, don't exercise out of hate, just love it. I look forward to practicing this each and every day of 2016, and every day after that.
