Thursday, July 11, 2019

Let's Sell This Thing

I woke up today feeling optimistic, after a few rough weeks of nothing but negativity.
A couple of weeks ago, a client shared her story of house selling struggles, and told me about this statue; you bury it upside down in your front yard, and it brings your home luck in order to sell. I hadn't given it much thought, thinking it was a religious something-or-other that I'd be unfairly dabbling in for the house to sell, until Hannah came home from class last night with the same statue-story from a classmate's mother. After nearly 8 weeks of our Acushnet house on the market and not a single offer (despite what seems to be endless "interest"), I am willing to try anything. Amazon Prime will be delivering our new little friend tomorrow, where I will hope and wish and pray as I bury it with crossed fingers.

I don't know if it's new hope from the statue stories, or just my body being exhausted from all the unknowns, but today is a day I will focus only on the thought of our house selling; not the what-if's, not the unknowns, not the preferable timeline or our bottom dollar or our current financial struggles - just the thought of that perfect family coming in, falling in love with our home, and presenting us with our first offer. According to our realtor, it's all or nothing; she says that you either get no offers or a lot at once. I'm focusing on the ladder. Now that the summer holidays are settling down, maybe it's time for buyers to get serious. Maybe our next open house will be our biggest success, with multiple showings and multiple offers. Maybe all this worrying was for nothing, because we're being impatient and controlling and anxious. Maybe this is a time we will look back on and think "remember when we thought that house would never sell and this move would never happen?"

We've been realistic, too realistic, about what not moving would look like. We've put our minds through hell thinking of how we can't afford not to move, how I will feel having to endure another New England winter, how utterly disappointed, angry, and devastated we would be to watch this dream slip away simply because we can't sell our house. And today, I feel like I have thought about all of that quite enough. It would royally suck, and I am aware of that, but focusing on the potential suck-factor isn't selling our house. It's preventing me from enjoying summer, the season I wait 9 months each year for. It's filling our house with negative vibes, and that can't be helping the process at all!

This house will sell. It will sell to the right buyer, in the right time frame. Do I hope that time frame is this summer? Absolutely. However, if it's one thing the fear of not moving at all has taught me, is that the ultimate goal is just to make it to North Carolina; even if that means losing the house we're under contract with, even if that means the kids have to start school here, even if it takes longer than we had hoped for...we just want to be down there. And so we will be, because it's what we want, what we've worked so hard to achieve, what we've spent the last 4 months planning for, drained our accounts for,  and turned our lives upside down for.

Our relationship has always been based on signs, and all the stars have aligned for us in terms of this move so far. Our only stall has been the house selling, and as people keep reminding me, 8 weeks on the market is still not that long. We are being impatient, that's simply it. We heavily believed that the house would sell in days or weeks, not months. We had high expectations (fuck expectations) that failed us and we let it get us down. No more. Today I choose optimism, positivity, and encouragement. THIS HOUSE WILL SELL. It will because it has to, it's our dream, our adventure, our life. We will get down to North Carolina, and possibly (hopefully!!) with the help of our new little statue arriving tomorrow. The shovel is ready and my hopes are high. Let's get this thing sold!!!