Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Marriage Moment

My husband and I are not sexy. With someone always tripping or spilling or pointing out a zit, romance has never been our forte. We've always been much better at stealing each other's yawns, racing to the top of the stairs, or spontaneously dancing together while brushing our teeth.

So the other night after whatever shenanigan was going down between us in our bathroom and our bursts of laughter had simmered down, I was taken by surprise when Eric turned to me and said "I like you".  Together for nearly 10 years and married for nearly 9, this statement should not have come as a shock, and yet there I was feeling like it was new all over again. So naturally with all this time on my hands (thanks Corona) I've thought about why those 3 little words meant so much to me. Here's what I've got:

Love is not always a choice. You love your family no matter what. Saying "I love you" can become more of a routine than a meaning-filled choice of words; it's said when someone leaves for school or work, after goodnight kisses are shared, and at the end of phone calls, emails or texts. But like? Like is a choice. You get to choose who you like and dislike, and as deep as love can be, in that moment in the bathroom with my husband, like held more meaning- especially after a decade together. Those 3 little words made me appreciate my marriage so much in that moment, knowing that after all this time we still choose each other, have fun with each other, love each other, but most of all, genuinely LIKE each other.

So share the love in this time of chaos and uncertainty, but don't forget about those non-routine "likes", too.

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